SàT progress note 2019-W17

goffi 26/04/2019, 10:26 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project libre SàT progress


this week I've had little time to work on SàT : thanks to the extended easter week-end, I've had a break.

I did manage to work a bit on the file sharing service, still focusing on the photo album. As I've explained last week, file sharing can be used directly from device to device (e.g. retrieving pictures taken on a mobile phone from desktop computer), or with a server-side service.

XMPP allows to create "components" which can be seen as generic plugins to create services on the server (generic in the way that it's not tied to a specific server implementation, but can be used with anyone implementing XEP-0114). Starting with the incoming v0.7, SàT can be used as a component, and file sharing is the first one.

Until now, it was only used to store personal data, so the files could be accessed with the jid of the component. For instance, if your server is example.net your file sharing component may have the jid files.example.net. To access photo albums, we need the path of the album (e.g. /photos/week-end) which is set in the node attribute in XEP-0329, so you can request files.example.net to retrieve your files (i.e. photo album) from /photos/week-end.
Problem: if Louise is connected to files.example.net and wants to access /photos/week-end, she will get her own album. How to do if she wants to access the one of Pierre?

That's were the local part is used, i.e. the part before the @ in a jid. The files.example.net component will receive all traffic sent to any jid finishing with @files.example.net. So when Louise wants to access Pierre files, she can use pierre@files.example.net instead of just the domain name. That's what I've implemented this week. By using just pierre, the component will associate this with its own server (i.e. example.net), and will look for files from pierre@example.net (and check which ones Louise can access).

But what for people with an account outside of example.net, for instance what if file sharing service allows nestor@example.org to store files? Louise can't request nestor@files.example.net because it would get the files of nestor@example.net (note the .net insteaf of .org , it's a different user). To allow to retrieve the files of an external account, we should be able to use a full jid in the request, but it's forbidden to use @ in local part of the jid.

That's where XEP-0106 is used, it allows to escape a jid to do exactly that. I've implemented that so Louise can request nestor\40example.org@files.example.net to retrieve files from nestor@example.org. Don't worry for the complicated address, the end-user should not have to type it herself.

Last but not least, I have also fixed the margin issue with paragraphs and added missing Atom feeds links, it should hopefully be more confortable to read this blog.

To summarize, during this short week I've implemented a way to retrieve files from an other user in file sharing component, I've implemented XEP-0106, I've fixed a small CSS issue on the blog and I've added missing links for Atom feed.


edhelas 26/04/2019, 10:50

SàT progress note 2019-W16

goffi 18/04/2019, 06:14 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project libre SàT progress

Hello everybody,

this is the time for a second progress report.

After the implementation of the button for translations, I've updated the French version of Libervia, and of the new website I'm currently working on (which is not yet online). For now this is done locally using tools like Gtranslator or Poedit, I plan to install at some point a web app like Weblate or Pootle and if possible to integrate is with SàT/XMPP (at least for authentication) to make contributions easier.

Beside that I've mainly been working on photos album, I want to be able to use it with 0.7.
For a bit of background, photo album is a specialized view of file sharing. I've evaluated two XEP (XMPP Extension Protocol) for that:

  • File Repository and Sharing (XEP-0214) which is based on Pubsub and Collections Nodes (XEP-0248)
  • File Information Sharing (XEP-0329) which is a simple way to share a repository

File sharing is usable either with direct sharing of a repository from a device (e.g. photos from a mobile phone), or with a server component which host files.

I've chosed the second one (File Information Sharing) for now because the Pubsub one is based on Collections which is, in my opinion, currently not usable: permissions from collection nodes are overwritting ones of leaf nodes, and as a result a private node can be accidentaly opened. This needs to be addressed, it's not the first time I discard pubsub collections because of that, I'll try to propose changes to standard after the 0.7 release.

The other reason I've chosen "File Information Sharing" (FIS) is that the Pubsub one handles mirrors and versions, which I feeled overcomplicated at the time. With FIS, I could make an implementation quickly, and I have a working UI now, which is already quite usable (see this blog post to see how it looks like).

But when I'm using the component, I have no way to change access (everything is managed, there is just no interface to change it), so when I put a file on the file sharing component, it stays private for now, not ideal when you want to share a photo album.

So I've worked on a quick way to do it, using ad-hoc commands: one to change file/directory permissions, and one to delete files. It's nearly finished and will be the last thing before starting beta phase.

That said, Pubsub has already everything needed to manage access and subscriptions (to know when new files/photos are available), so I plan to re-evaluate XEP-0214 at a later point, and if I still find it ill-adapted, maybe propose an other option.

I've also noticed a couple of CSS issues on the blog engine (mainly some padding around paragraph would make it easier to read), and I've been noticed that link to Atom feed is missing on the blog. I was planning to fix that this week but could not find the time (I'm working on SàT on my free time). So I hope to do this in the next few days.

That's it for this week. I'm looking forward to start debugging phase, and then finally release.

SàT Progress note 2019-W15

goffi 11/04/2019, 06:01 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project libre SàT progress

Hello everybody,

I've decided to start writing regular progress notes on this blog, so I can have more feedback from you :). The goal is on one hand to show what is worked on, and on the other hand to explain some technical/design decisions. I'll try to make it weekly, but it's not a promise (maybe this one will be the only one who knows). Also even if I often try to publish both in French and English, this is additional work and I need to focus, so this will probably be English only.

For people who haven't heard about the project, Salut à Toi (or SàT) is a communication ecosystem, libre (free as in freedom), decentralised, encrypted, multi-platforms and based on the rock solid XMPP standard. There are numerous features, among which chat, blog, events, files sharing, etc. and even a web framework. You can check https://salut-a-toi.org for details. Cagou is the frontend for desktop/Android, Libervia the web frontend (which include the web framework), jp the command line frontend, and Primivitus the TUI (Terminal User Interface).

Let's go with this first weekly progress note.

This week I've been working on connection change on Cagou on Android: when disconnected, the backend will try to reconnect every 30 s, this makes no sense when network has been disabled, and would be bad for battery. Now, thanks to pyjnius and android module from python-for-android, backend can check connectivity status, and get notified when there is a change. With those data, the reconnection can be adapted to the situation.

This was the last feature I wanted to implement for Cagou. It is now ready for beta. I'm already aware of a couple of troubles, they will be corrected during beta phase.

To save some bandwith on connection, roster versioning has been implemented.
So far SàT was requesting whole roster (the name of the contact list in XMPP) at each startup, which is not really optimal. Roster versioning lets client keep a local cache, and request only for changes (added/removed contacts) since its version in cache.
This was already handled in wokkel that SàT is using, but roster needed to be saved in local storage, and updates to be managed. A jp roster resync command has been added to force a full resynchronisation with server.

On Libervia I've added a button to change language. Localisation was already managed in the engine, but not used.
An explicit button is needed because there is no good way to auto detect language of user (checking user location is not good for various reasons, and browser language is not good either because user can be using a third party browser in a library for instance), so this needs to be visible and easy to change.
I try to keep Libervia working as much as possible without javascript, so the button had to work without javascript enabled. When javascript is enabled, changing language on the dropdown will immediately reload the page with new locale. When javascript is not enabled, an additional button is visible to use the desired language.
capture of language selector with extra button when javascript is not available

Beta version is coming, the last thing I want to implement is a discovery page for photo albums. I've also started to write a new website using Libervia, where I'll move (and improve) SàT documentation, which is currently mainly on the wiki.

That's all for today, please let me know if this progress note is useful/interesting, and if it worth publishing it more or less every week.

N.B.: I haven't made a blog post with the links to my 2 talks at FOSDEM, so here it is:

First talk, about using XMPP beyond instant messaging can be found at:

Second talk, a presentation of SàT focusing on its use of Python


clacke 15/04/2019, 10:39

Salut a Toi at FOSDEM this week-end!

goffi 29/01/2019, 18:17 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project libre


a small note to say that I'll be present at FOSDEM this week-end and I'll do 2 talks:

  • "XMPP Beyond Instant Messaging" where I'll show that XMPP is far more than an instant messaging protocol. Room H.1309 (Van Rijn) Sunday at 9:25
  • "Salut à Toi: A Python Based Social Network And More" which will be a presentation of the Salut à Toi ecosystem. Room UD2.120 (Chavanne) Sunday at 16:00

I'll often be at the "XMPP lounge", but I'm also planning to attend some talks and meet people at other booths, so don't hesitate to ping me on the SàT XMPP room sat@chat.jabberfr.org (also available from this link) if you want to talk and/or have a demo.

Salut à Toi is in stabilisation phase, and the incoming 0.7 release will bring a new desktop/mobile(Android) frontend, advanced file sharing, events, the basis of a decentralised code forge (tickets and merge requests), OMEMO end to end encryption, etc.

A major thing is also the new decentralised web framework, the only one of its kind, which allows you to create website naturaly decentralised, by linking XMPP and Python.

See you there!


edhelas 29/01/2019, 18:17

debacle 29/01/2019, 18:23


clacke 15/04/2019, 10:38

SàT news: control your media player from SàT + OMEMO

goffi 20/09/2018, 06:04 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project release libre GNU-linux

Time is running so fast that I can barely find some to write about the advancement of Salut à Toi, and there's a lot to say.

I'll be short this time (no more long list of features like alpha release ;) ).

If you are following SàT for long time, you may remember the experiment to have an universal remote control, and the demonstration with VLC.

Well, this is now implemented in a cleaner way, and it's user friendly. With Cagou running on your mobile device, it's quite useful as you can see in the video below.

Note: I'm testing Peertube to diffuse SàT demo videos, you can also see the video on the instance I'm trying.

If you have already SàT running on your desktop, all you have to do is run your media player (VLC for instance). Then on Cagou click on the new "remote control" icon, and you should see an icon for your media player. Note that this is working only on GNU/Linux (and probably *BSD) as it is relying on D-BUS which is not available everywhere.

The other thing to mention is that OMEMO support is now available in SàT (thanks to the work of Syndace on python-omemo, and his prompt reactions to feedback). It's not fully finished yet: fingerprint management is missing, encryption is only available on one2one conversations, and it's not yet available on Android, but the biggest part is done and working on desktop.

Note: this video is also available on Peertube

That's it. I'll publish a new alpha release in a couple of days. The list of features to implement before release become narrow, stabilisation phase should start soon.

Once again help is needed for packaging (Debian, Arch, or other GNU/Linux distributions, Docker, etc.), testing/packaging on many platforms (*BSD, Windows and Mac for instance), and would be welcome for development too. Also we have a very low visibility, don't hesitate to shout out loud about the project :).


errormovim 04/12/2018, 21:07

Salut à Toi 0.7 alpha: contributors, take your keyboards!

goffi 05/07/2018, 20:01 jabber-xmpp-en SàT project release libre GNU-linux

It's my pleasure to announce the release of the first alpha version of Salut à Toi 0.7.

This is the occasion on one hand to show the state, advancement and direction of the project, and on the other hand to launch a call for contributions.

In this article I will show you a part of Salut à Toi capabilities, and explain briefly how to use them.

You'll find a link to an .apk file to test Cagou on Android in the "Test it!" section.

As a reminder, Salut à Toi is a collaborattive ecosystem, which is multi-frontends (web, desktop, mobile devices, terminal, command line), multi-platforms, and multipurpose. It let you handle your communications, organise yourself, share your files, etc. It is also, and above all, an activist project which think about the impact of new technologies on our lives, and which tries to stimulate public debate.

We'll concentrate on the web and desktop/mobile frontends, because those are the ones which will most probably be of interest to the mass.

Web frontend (named "Libervia")

Libervia has seen major changes, with a new web framework.

The idea, which has been explained in a blog post is to offer base components (account authentification, permissions, comments, etc.) ready-to-use and decentralised thanks to XMPP. This way we easily build website which are automatically decentralised and federated.

Please note that everything is prepared for translation, but for now only English is available. Help would be much appreciated to improve on that!

Let's check the available features:


screenshot of a "chat" discussion in Libervia

Let's start with the most obvious, there is an instant messaging page. To use it, you just have to click on "chat", et to log in if it's not already done.

You'll land on a panel with the rooms in your bookmarks, you just have to click on one of them, or to specify an identifier (jid) of a new room/contact.
It is for now quite basic, but still you can enter "/help" to check textual commands.


my own blog, powered by Libervia

One of the flagship features of SàT, really rare in XMPP world (the only actively developed other client implenting it being Movim), is the blog (which is then decentralised).

A click on the menu will bring you to a "discover" page where you'll find your contacts with a blog. Click on one of them to read, or specify an identifier to read a blog which is not in your contacts.


XMPP powered decentralised forums

Unique feature in XMPP world, SàT propose forums, allowing to organise discussions in categories. Because forums are under the hood the same thing as blogs, it is possible to use a blog as forum and vice versa.

The addition of new forums is done by an administrator using command line tool "jp" (see below).


personal list of events

Other feature not seen elsewhere in XMPP (and in decentralised software?), SàT allows you to create events, and of course to invite people.

As with other features, the page is thought to be easy to use: you have a button "create an event" which bring you to a form. A name, location and date later (and optionally a picture to associate), and your event is created. You'll then land to an admin page where you'll have the possibility to invite people.

Events are private for now, only your guests and you have access to it, but public events are also planned.

a guest is answering to an event RSVP

Please note that it's possible (but not yet from the web interface) to add arbitrary fields to your events, for instance to let your guest specify what they'll bring to a picnic.

File sharing

sharing file from browser

Here we are talking about a feature useful daily, and in many circonstances. Salut à Toi has long been able to send files, or to upload them on your server, but we are talking here about sharing one or many directories, or to upload in an advanced way on a serveur component.

All of this is explained in a recent blog post, but let me add 2 use cases to understand well:

  • you are home, you've just taken a video and some photos on your phone that you want to get on your computer. You have installed Cagou, the desktop/Android frontend of SàT on your device and already shared your photo directory. From your desktop computer, in the "file sharing" mode you see your device and you can directly download the video and the photos from there. The connection will be done directly on your local network, from device to device, and your files will not go throught a external server located whoever knows where.

  • you have files that you want to access at any time from anywhere (pictures or working documents for instance). You put them in a virtual directory on your file sharing component (a SàT instance too) and you can access it as simply as for the previous example.

Note that while with Cagou the connection is done directly when possible, it's not the case for Libervia which will first download the file on the server, before taking it throught HTTPS. WebRTC will be needed for the direct connection, and that's planned for 0.8 release.

Permission are handled easily: you specify who can access your files in a couple of clicks.

Files are transfered in clear for now (unencrypted), but this should not be the case anymore once finale release is here.

Photos albums

a photos album with a comment

Based on previous feature, a photos album mode display a directory containing only photos with adapted view, an with comments.

Permissions are really useful here, allowing to let, for instance, only your family see an album.

It's not yet possible to access an album from the interface of Libervia, to test it you'll have to change the URL by hand from the file handling page (by replacing files/list by photos/album).


SàT tickets, first ones have been imported from Bugzilla

Developed from our own needs, SàT now handles tickets in pretty much the same way as a code forge. This is classical issue tracking, bugs report, tasks to do, etc.

Fields are free, it's really easy to use this feature for any kind of list: TO-DO tasks, but also, for instance, shopping lists.

Merge requests

a major patch is being reviewed

In the same spirit as tickets, SàT also handle "merge requests". Developed and used primarly for SàT itself, this system has the benefit or not being tied to a specific tool (like Git or Mercurial). Il is currently used with Mercurial, but it is possible to use it with whatever we want, and I'm not only talking about software code here.

Those 2 features means that SàT is a decentralised code forge. Even if it's still relatively basic, it has the benefit of being easy to use, flexible and adaptable. Furthermore there are only a few decentralised code forge at the moment (we can probably count Fossil, maybe some others).

Once again, contributions would accelerate things and would permit to have a very powerful tool.


the dynamic part, which in under minimal maintenance and will be re-written for 0.8

To conclude this small tour of Libervia, we have to mention the application which is an entirely dynamic page, more elaborated but also more complicated to use (one of the main base version goal is to be easy to use).

Libervia web application allows to use widgets that you can drop next to each other, to do end to end encryption (OTR), or to publish blog post in simple or WYSIWYG mode, with the syntax you like (Markdown for instance).

It's the historic application which, for technical reasons, is now under minimal maintainance and have a few issues (like the contacts which can appear 2 times as seen in the screenshot above). It will be re-written for SàT 0.8, but it's let in place in this release for people who want to use it.

Cagou (desktop/Android)

Promised after the success of our crowfunding campaign, which allowed us to get a bit more than 3000 €, Cagou is our new frontend for desktop and Android devices. Its goals are to be modern, easy to use, and powerful.

Its original UI is inspired from Blender, and let split the screen to show several widgets at once. This UI has been thought in a way that it can be used even without knowing this split capacity, while being straightforward to use once the feature has been discovered.

To change mode, you just have to click on the top left icon.

For now, 5 modes are available: chat, contacts, file sharing, widget selector, and settings.

On the very top, you have a menu (only on desktop), and a notification zone, where messages appear for a few seconds and are visible entirely when clicking on the head of the left Cagou. On the other side, an other Cagou head can appear when you get notifications needing a user interaction (new contact for instance, or authentification request – see below –). This way, no popup will steal your focus while you are writing a message or doing something else.


It is possible de split the screen as much as you want by clicking on the 3 dots area (on top and left borders), and then moving your mouse/finger. If the bar is red, this means that you'll close the area.

Here is a small animation to make things more clear:

demo of Cagou's widget split ability

You can organise the way you want, and monitor several things at the same time. In the future, it should be possible to keep handy widgets organisations so you can re-use them easily.


Cagou "chat" mode screenshot

The chat should be relatively intuitive. The top area show the current room or the identifier (JID) of the person you're talking to. It is possible to enter an other identifier manually to change room. For instance you can enter sat@chat.jabberfr.org to come on Salut à Toi room.

Still on the top area, the "padlock" icon on the right (only visible in 1/1 discussions) allows you to encrypt the conversation end to end, with OTR only for now (see below).

If you have several discussions at the same time, you can switch from one to the other by swiping your finger horizontally. Only discussions not already visible somewhere on the screen will be available, and for now they are in alphanumeric order (most certainly recent discussions will be available first when stable release will be out).

Finally, in the bottom area, in addition to the text input, you can see a + button with a circle which allows you to open a media transfer panel. On the desktop for now you can only select a file from your file-system, but on Android you can select/take a picture/video, a file or record an audio message. In every cases you can choose if you want to upload the file on your server, or send it directly to your contact, without transiting by the server.

file sharing

The principle has already been explained for Libervia, here is an animation showing how to share a directory with Cagou:

sharing a directory from Cagou

As you can see, you just have to do a long click/touch on the directory or file to share, and to select people which will have access to it.

You can click on "share local files" button, in the header zone, to change mode and see the device which are sharing. You'll then see – as with Libervia – 3 areas: the first one with sharing component, if any, the second one with your own devices (your phone or desk computer for instance), and finally the devices of your contacts. Once again, the input area let your filter devices to show.

see devices which can share files

Third party website authentification

SàT is a project which push the use of XMPP in every directions, and this include authentifying on third party websites. The idea is to be able to authenticate yourself without having to create an account on any website just by giving your JID.

Here is a video demo, thanks to the demo website made by jnanar, the screen on the right is a phone (displayed thanks to scrcpy):

super easy authentication with XMPP

You can implement this in your own website either by using Chteufleur component (Chteufleur is actually the original implementer of the feature in SàT, many thanks), either by using a server where it's already available (it's for instance the case on jabberfr, thanks to the admins of this server).

Please note that once it's in place, in your website you just have to do a single HTTPS request to validate authentication.


No need to take much time on this mode, but it's good to know that you can add a new contact there (with the top button), or delete an existing one with a long click/touch.

A simple click will launch the chat mode with the selected contact.

Command line (JP)

There are far too many new things in jp to describe everything here.

Some useful informations anyway:

  • in jp we always put commands first, then arguments (jp [command] [subcommand] --arg_1 --arg_2 --etc)
  • jp [command] --help tells you how to use a command
  • jp shell let you use a REPL shell
  • it is possible to have high level and low level commands. For instance with the blog, you can have blog posts in a nice way by using jp blog get -s bloger@somewhere.tld -O fancy, or the raw XML with jp pubsub get -s bloger@somewhere.tld -n urn:xmpp:microblog:0
  • many commands have an output mechanism with --output (or -O). For instance jp blog get -s bloger@somewhere.tld -O json let you find metadata of a blog feed in JSON
  • jp can generate static websites thanks to --output template
  • when the website generator handle it, you can directly use the blog URL to edit it. For instance, I can edit one of my last posts by using jp blog edit -u https://www.goffi.org/b/khii3yEKWDhmNYSDt5GGrY/vers-forge-decentralisee-basee-xmpp where https://www.goffi.org/b/khii3yEKWDhmNYSDt5GGrY/vers-forge-decentralisee-basee-xmpp is the URL of the HTML generated page. I then have my text editor showing the code of my page on one side (in my favorite syntax) and the metadata on the other. Note the this works with webpage generated by Libervia, but also by Movim.

A small demo of the shell to read a blog:

checking a blog from shell (jp)

Test it!

You can test all this, the installation instructions are available (in English only, we are lacking resources to translate) on the wiki by clicking here.

SàT (backend + jp (CLI) + Primitivus (TUI)) is available in Debian experimental (thanks to Robotux, Naha, Debacle and other packagers).

SàT and its frontends (jp, Primitivus, Cagou, Libervia) are available on Arch Linux (thanks to jnanar and Link Mauve)

We got confirmation that SàT and Cagou are working on Mac OS X (thanks to xma), we would like help of people to also test it on Windows, BSD*, or anything else.

You can test on Android by clicking on this link from your device (installation from external resources must be activated from settings).

Note that this is an alpha version, that means:

  • it crashes, the code is not stable
  • all features are not finished, or even here
  • it's not optimised yet
  • it's not polished

Oh, and while we are talking about features not yet implemented, there are strong possibilities that end to end encryption with OMEMO will be implemented before final release, thanks notably to the new Python module available (thanks to Syndace, the author). End to end encryption is already available for years in SàT, but only with OTR so far.


A last animation to show you the automatic language detection, an experimental feature:

language detection, then messages filtering

Let's stop here for the features, but we have not seen all of them.

As you can see, there's a lot to play with, and there is enough for every taste in this project.

And that's good, with summer holidays you'll have more time, a perfect occasion to contribute to a unique project, ethics and activist.

Do not hesitate to come on SàT XMPP room (sat@chat.jabberfr.org, also available without account, from the web).

If you are lacking time (picnic on the beach is nice too), support on Liberapay and/or adhering to the association is also helping.

Try to spread the word around you, our project lack visibility and needs you. If you are willing to host an instance, you can start to test (in a "experimental/not stable" part of your website), and give us feedbacks. We are also looking for people helping to package in every place where it's possible.

Thanks in advance, and see you soon!

Decentralized code forge, based on XMPP

goffi 06/06/2018, 05:50 SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

With the recent announcement concerning the biggest known centralized code forge owner change, we have seen back here and there discussions about the creation of a similar tool, but decentralized.

I've used this occasion to recall the work done to implement tickets and merge requests in Salut à Toi (SàT), work which was relatively unoticed at the time of writing, about 6 months ago.

Now, I would like to bring some details on why building those tools.

First of all, why not the big forge? After all, a good part of current libre software is already using it! Well first it's not libre, and we commited ourself in our social contract to use libre software as much as possible, infrastructure included. Then because it's centralized, and there too our social contract is pretty clear, even if it's not as important for infrastructure as it is for SàT itself. Finally, because we are currently using Mercurial, and the most famous forge is build around Git.
We do not hide the fact that we already ask ourselves wether to use this platform or not in general assemblee (cf. minutes – in French –), we were mainly interested in the great visibility it can offer.

« It's centralized? But "Git" is decentralized! » is a point we are ofter hearing and it's a true fact, Git (and Mercurial, and some others) is decentralized. But a code forge is not the version control system, it's all the tools arount it: hosting, tickets, merge/pull requests, comments, wikis, etc. And those tools are not decentralized at the moment, and even if they are often usable throught a proprietary API, they are still under centralization rules, i.e. rules of the hosting service (and its technical hazards). This also means that if the service doesn't want a project, it can refuse, delete, or block it.

Centralization is also a technical facility to catalog and search project… which are on the service. Any external attempt will then have more difficulties to be visible and to attract contributors/users/help. This is a situation we know very well with Salut à Toi (we are not present on proprietary and centralized "social networks" for the same reasons), and we find it unacceptable. It goes without saying that concentrating projects on a single platform is the best way to contribute and exacerbate this state of affairs.
Please note, however, that we are not judging or attacking people and projects who made different choices. These positions are linked to our political commitment.

Why, then, not using existing Libre projects, already advanced and working, like Gitlab? Well, first because we are working with Mercurial and not Git, and secondly because we would put ourselves here too in a centralized solution. And there is an other point: there are nearly no decentralized forges (Fossil maybe?), and we already have nearly everything we need with SàT and XMPP. And let's add that there is some pleasure to build the tools we are lacking.

SàT is on the way to be a complete ecosystem, offering most, if not all, the tools needed to organise and communicate. But it is also generic and re-usable. That's why the "merge requests" system is not linked to a specific SCM (Git or Mercurial), it can be used with other software, and it is actually not only usable for code development. It's a component which will be used where it is useful.

To conclude this post, I would like to remind that if we want to see a decentralized, ethical and politically commited alternative to build our code, organise ourself, and communicate, we can make this real by cooperating and contributing, being with code, design, translations, documentation, testing, etc.
We got recently some help for packaging on Arch (thanks jnanar and previous contributors), and there are continuous efforts for packaging in Debian (thanks Robotux, Naha, Debacle, and other Debian XMPP packagers), if you can participate, please contact us (see our official website), together we can make the difference.
If you are lacking time, you can support us as well on Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/salut_a_toi. Thanks in advance!


edhelas 06/06/2018, 06:34

File sharing landing in next release of Salut à Toi

goffi 28/05/2018, 07:24 SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

Last big feature before the preparation of alpha release, file sharing is now available for Salut à Toi.

SàT has been able to send or receive files for years, either directly when 2 people are connecting at the same time, or via an HTTP upload on the server. It is now possible to share a file hierarchy, or in other words one or several directories. There are 2 main uses cases: using a component, or a client.

sharing a directory with Cagou

Sharing directory with client

The first way to use file sharing is from device to device. It can be used, for instance, to share pictures taken from your phone with your desktop computer, or to quickly give access to discussion papers to your coworkers. To handle permissions, you just have to give the JIDs (XMPP identifiers) of allowed people.

The transfer is using Jingle technology, which will choose the best way to send the file. That means that if you are on the same local network (e.g. the previous case of sharing your phone picture with desktop computer, when you're at home), the connection will stay local, and the server will only see the signal (the data needed to establish the connection).

But if your devices are not on the same local area network, connection is still doable, and it will try to be direct when possible.

file sharing with a client

Above you can see how easy it is to share a directory with Cagou, the desktop/Android frontend of Salut à Toi.

File sharing component

SàT can now act as a component (which is more or less a generic server plugin), and a first one allows a user to upload, list and retrieve files.

This is really handy when you want to keep some files private for later use (and access it from any device), or to share a photo album, for instance, with your family.

This is on the way to a service similar to "cloud storage", except that you may keep control on your data.

file sharing with a component

As you can see, it's pretty similar to the workflow with client.

With the invitation system now available in SàT, you can even share with people without account.

Some notes

File transfer is currently unencrypted, but encryption is planed soon, either with OX (OpenPGP) or OMEMO.
The base feature is there and working, but some improvements are planed at more or less short term: quotas, files synchronization, e2e encryption, advanced search.


You'll find instruction on how to use this feature on the wiki.

Of course you'll need to use development version, don't hesitate to ask for help on SàT room : sat@chat.jabberfr.org (or via browser).

A package is now available for Cagou on AUR for Arch Linux, thanks to jnanar.

Help needed!

SàT is a huge project, with a strong ethical root. It's unique in many ways, and needs a lot of work. You may help its success either by supporting us on Liberapay or by contributing (check official website or join our room for details).

Next post will be about alpha release, stay connected ;)

Build a decentralized internet with Libervia (Salut à Toi) !

goffi 25/01/2018, 19:53 SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

Among many novelties of Salut à Toi in the next release (0.7), one has specially big potential: Libervia (the web frontend) is now a web framework.
"Yeah but there already so many of them!" I 've heard you saying… That is true, but this one is decentralized.

Building on standards, having tools for decentralization

Using existing accounts

So, Libervia is based on SàT and XMPP in order to help you to build or rebuild the web. But why? Well, first the authentication, which is used on most websites nowadays, use the account you alread have. No, I'm not talking about the account on the big blue stuff or the noisy bird, but about your XMPP account, the one you are using with SàT, Movim, Gajim, Conversations or Pidgin, the one, in which your data can be located in your living room, and the one in which you can use any name you choose; the one that does not tract your activity.

The developer doesn't have to worry about this, and the users don't have to create yet another account on each website, or to use an account from a big central website (and then tell to web data hoovers where, when and to what you did connect).

Other advantage: we take profit for existing software. If you want to integrate other authentication ways (for instance if you want to use your GNU/Linux accounts), you just have to activate the suitable thing on your server (check this prosody list for instance, you'll surely find similar lists for other servers).

Pubsub, the decentralized database

XMPP is not a single technology, but rather a basis for a variety of coherent technologies, and pubsub is one of them. As a reminder, with it you can store data (or "items") in "nodes" (which can been seen as tables or collections in other databases), on "services".

A service can be anywhere on the network : in the same location as your web server, on the other side of the Earth, on the intranet or on a .onion in Tor network. Of course it's possible to keep data locally if needed, in particular for caching.

Let’s talk about cache, pubsub has a really nice property: we can subscribe to a node to be notified when there are changes on it (new data, data update or deletion). Taking benefit from this gives Libervia an automatic cache system: a page can be automatically put in cache, and later can be invalidated as soon as a modification happen. That is an other thing to simplify developer's life, and to improve the speed for the user.

Simplify life

Libervia has been thought to make things easy :

Appearance change

The framework is entirely based on template engine (jinja2). It is really straightforward to create new themes (from doing simple CSS change to major changes in pages structure). You just have to create a new directory with theme name, and to modify what you want, and only what you want: pages from default theme will be used if needed.

Integration between server and client

A bunch of tools are there to facilitate integration between client (in the browser) and the HTTP server. For instance, you just have to set "dynamic = True" in your Libervia page on server side to automatically activate a bidirectionnal dynamic communication system with the browser (based on websockets). A method can be used to send data at any time to the page, and an other one is called when data are emited from the browser.

This will go deeper in the 0.8 release, with the planed integration of Python to Javascript transpileur/interpreters. Libervia is using so far Pyjamas, a project which is not maintained anymore and which is transpiling an obsolete Python 2. To avoid future blocking on a single option, developers will have the choice to use a Python transpiler/interpreter (Brython and Transcript are planed), Simple Javascript ("vanilla"), or if they really like pain, any currenly popular Javascript framework.

Handling common tasks

A translation system is natively integrated (using Babel), and also filters for dates, backend UI templates rendering, or forms creation.

Templates are built to be reusables, so it's easy to include, for instance, comments in page.

A symbiotic ecosystem

I'll stop here for features, though the list is not finished (it's for instance possible to generate static website à la Pelican or Hugo).

This new tool has already been used in severals features in the incoming release, notably with the tickets or merge requests handlers that I have announced recently.

Next release of Salut à Toi will be an achievement, the first version ready for production, and is now a whole ecosystem to communicate, create, or do collaborative work, compatible with the rest of XMPP family.

If you want to stay up to date, follow my blog (which is using Libervia), or join us on our room sat@chat.jabberfr.org.

If you want to support us, you can either join the association, or help us on Liberapay.

Other news to come soon…


edhelas 25/01/2018, 20:57

XMPP based tickets and merge requests with SàT

goffi 05/12/2017, 01:53 SàT projet nouveauté libre GNU-linux jabber-xmpp-en

Lot of work has been done in the past months, letting little time to talk about the novelties. Let's have a look at the most recent one.

For Salut à Toi development, we don't want to use proprietary or centralized software and we use Mercurial, so we have been reluctant to use current popular platforms. With the recent improvments of our SàT pubsub component (see https://blog.agayon.be/sat_pubsub.html), and of Libervia, our web frontend, it became clear that our old idea of using XMPP and SàT to handle tickets became close at hand, so we did it.

SàT is now able to handle tickets on top of XMPP, using Pubsub. There are many advantages

  • it's decentralized and federated, no need to have X accounts to use X tickets handlers. You can also import tickets from third party projects (e.g. plugins for your project) into your website.
  • it's standard: we can handle or fetch tickets in third party servers easily, without proprietary API.
  • it's very flexible: any field can be used, and the mechanism can be used for any list (bug tracker, TODO list, shopping list, etc.)
  • being based on SàT, it's usable on any platform
  • it can be used with gateways, allowing to use transparently tickets from other services (think about Gitlab or Github for instance)

The working is based on pubsub with an experimental addition: node schema which allows to specify a form (using data forms) which will be enforced on each item. This way tickets published by third party clients can be checked and validated. Pubsub offers permission mechanisms allowing to have public or private collections of tickets (nodes in pubsub terms). Comments are using the microblog (which really should have been called blog) feature of XMPP.

But that's not all! On top of that an other feature has been implemented: merge requests. The idea is to have a way to propose contributions in a agnostic way, meaning this can be used with Mercurial, Git, or potentially any tool. Once again we enjoy decentralisation here, and we can have contributions between people on different servers.

Below is a small video showing an example of merge request. We use jp (SàT's CLI frontend) to send a modification to a server. By default, the backend will try all registered merge requests handlers until it find one which can manage the given repository. There is a small wrapper around the command to do basic operations (notabily creating the data to export), the data and metadata are then formatted and send to the pubsub node. For now, only Mercurial is implemented, but git will definitely follow, and maybe a simple diff based handler for basic cases.

Note : if you want to do a merge request for Salut à Toi on https://bugs.goffi.org, you'll just have to enter from your working directory:

jp merge-request set

Of course the feature is new and it's quite rough: it is not yet possible to specify which lines of a patch we comment, or to use rich formatting. This will of course come soon, but if you want to have it faster, well, merge requests are welcome ;)

You can see it on our bug tracker.

For people in Paris, I'll be at Paris Open Source Summit (booth A2, "Salut à Toi") on Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to support the project, we are on Liberapay.

See you soon for an other post on SàT novelties…